The Basics of Tarot



02 The High Priestess

As he begins his travels, he also meets The High Priestess. The High Priestess represents inner wisdom, the unconscious mind, and the feminine side of life. She is of our super subconscious awareness.
The pomegranates represent abundance in spiritual enlightenment from the divine feminine. She holds a scroll which has the letters TORA on it which represents the spiritual law she follows. There is also a crescent moon at her feet and on her crown which is in alignment with her feminine spirituality and matriarchically rule.
The Magician and The High Priestess shows The Fool how he needs balance in his life. By using the physical and spiritual he can learn this balance. If these cards are showing up in your life it is time for you to pay attention and utilize what they are showing you and learn the lessons The High Priestess is showing you. Try meditating, journaling, and find the balance you need in your life.


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