The Basics of Tarot

Major Arcana's


Minor Arcana's


11 Justice

Now is the time of Justice for The Fool. He must look back over his life and take responsibility for the actions that he has made had hurt anyone including himself. What does he need to make amends for so he can be on his true path. What must he do so he can have a clean slate for his future? Shall he keep taking the easier road or take the path which is right for him?
This is the time for us to take a good look at our lives and accept responsibility for our actions. It’s not just the ones we may have hurt but ourselves included. Take a good hard look and decide what you should do and how to correct some of our misguided actions. Justice can be hard, but she can also be the balance we all need in our lives.

12 The Hanged Man


Determined to realize his vision, The Fool presses on but realizes that trying to control everything is not that easy. His personal cross to bear is to give up and let go. This feels overwhelming at first because he feels like has sacrificed everything. His world feels like it has literally been turned upside down. But by letting go of the control everything seems to flow together and he no longer has the struggle within but a feeling of peace and full of renewed vigor for life. He will need this lesson for what may come to pass later on but, his life will move on in a positive direction and he has learned to relinquish control to fate.
Sometimes our lives feel like they have been turned upside down, but this is the time, not to fight it, but to give over control and let the pieces fall as they may. We do not always have to be in control. This may also be a time of trying to fit in. Just let that idea go and be yourself. You may just find out that others like you better by being your true self.

13 Death

The Fool begins by letting go of things of the past. He realizes in order to move forward he needs to let go of the nonessentials. He knows now that this transition will help him go forward to a more peaceful way of life.
The Death card can mean an end of some things, but it is also a beginning. It is transformation and change. A more fulfilling life can mean a peaceful and happy life. It may also mean a new journey for you.

14 Temperance

The Fool has learned many things on this emotional roller coaster that he has been on. Since he met The Hermit and gained balance in his life, he is ready for the stability that Temperance is offering. By achieving balance, he has applied the learnings of the extremes and become a whole and centered being.
When Temperance comes into our lives it is time to look at where we need the balance in our own lives. Learn from The Fools path to gain the wisdom to apply the lessons and gain the equality where it is needed.

15 The Devil

The Fool starts moving forward again but who should he run into but The Devil. He thought he had it all figured out, but The Devil brings negativity and additions. The Fool was not prepared for this because he is still chained to some of his emotional, physical, and financial issues. He needs to stop and look at what might be holding him back and what can no longer serve him.
This limiting belief is where we get lost sometimes. The Devil card, which is sometimes called Temptation, comes when we least expect it. Holding onto the past can be seen when we are too much into the mundane and forget our spiritual side. Just like yin and yang we have the dark and light sides of us. The Devil card tells us to look at what is sitting on the back burner. Hopelessness, being around negative people and excessive materialism are all signs of us neglecting our spirituality.

16 The Tower

The Tower comes to the aid of The Fool, but he doesn’t like what is getting ready to happen. Something extreme needs to happen to shake the negativity off of The Fool. He may resist but it is best for him because change can make him snap back into shape.
When we are overtaken with the mundane, change is what needs to happen. We need to get back to our spirituality so we can balance ourselves. Sometimes we build these walls around ourselves, and something needs to be done to make these walls crash down. Listen to the Universe with this message. It can be freeing.

17 The Star

The Fool is absorbed with a peaceful calm. The woman pictured is naked, her soul no longer hidden. Luminous stars shine in a cloudless sky serving as a beacon of hope and encouragement. The Fool is blessed with confidence which completely replaces the disapproval of the Devil. His faith in himself and the future is restored. This peace after the storm is a magical moment for the Fool.
Often, we wear masks for others. Unsure of letting them see the real person inside. This is a time to take off the mask and be the real you which you were meant to be. Take a breath and then take the step.

18 The Moon

The Moon may be another challenge for The Fool. He can get lost in this dreamy state. The Moon stimulates the creative imagination. But it can also dredge up fears and worries making him vulnerable and panicky.
Because the moon controls the tides and we are mostly water, the full moon can bring up people emotions. This is a time you may want to think before you act. Journaling is very helpful.

19 The Sun

The Sun has illuminated everything and dispelled all negativity. The Fool now acts as the child riding for the new day with no challenge too overwhelming. He has all that he needs to realize his importance.
Now is the time for us to take a stand and do what we want. Put in for that new job. Start writing that new book or start painting again. What has been in your heart to do?

20 Judgement

The Fool has been renewed. He has learned that joy, not fear, is at life's center. He has the tools he needs now. He may regret past mistakes, but he knows they were due to his lack of knowledge. He feels cleansed and recharged, and ready to start once more. It is time to make a more profound Judgement (20) about his life. He, as the angel, can choose wisely which to appreciate, and which to toss away.
Now is the time to take a long hard look at our lives and decide what no longer serves us and leave it on the wayside. That which does serve us is what we need to pay attention to.

21 The World

The Fool has traveled a lot and gathered many tools and wisdom. He has reached a whole new level of happiness and fulfillment. His future is now full of promise and hope. He shares his learnings with others as they come to him asking for wisdom and knowledge.
His journey may be over, but he knows that the cycle is over, but he will never stop learning and growing. Each time he decides to start a new journey he will become stronger.

Minors soon to follow

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