The full moons in 2025 are:
January 13: Wolf Moon, at 5:27 PM
February 12: Snow Moon, at 8:53 AM
March 14: Worm Moon, at 2:55 AM
April 12: Pink Moon, at 8:22 PM
May 12: Flower Moon, at 12:56 PM
June 11: Strawberry Moon, at 3:44 AM
July 10: Buck Moon, at 4:37 PM
August 9: Sturgeon Moon, at 3:55 AM
September 7: Corn Moon, at 2:09 PM
October 6: Hunter's Moon, at 11:48 PM
November 5: Beaver Moon, at 8:19 AM
December 4: Cold Moon, at 6:14 PM
2024 Mercury in Retrograde
March 15–April 7: Mercury will be in Aries and then Pisces
July 18–August 11: Mercury will be in Leo
Nov. 9–Nov. 29: Mercury will be in Sagittarius and then Scorpio
During the Retrograde we want to reevaluate our lives, take things slow and make sure to cross all the T's and dot all the I's.
Our Deithean Interfaith Group is a foundation on which to build your spiritual journey, no matter what your path or tradition. It doesn't matter what you believe or don't believe. If you are lost or want to strengthen your spirituality, then this is the place to start.
I am here to help teach & guide you on your spiritual path that feels exactly right for you.
My name is Donna. I started researching all different types of religions, pathways, and cultures at the age of thirteen. After over 45 years I have many titles & degrees in a box somewhere. I just love to learn and don’t care much for the titles.
Since I was little, I have spoken with spirits. I used to see them everywhere, but I mostly feel and hear them now. I see signs & symbols everywhere and my spirit guides are always there for me.
I love questions, so here questions are welcome. If I don’t know the answer I will research & learn before I answer. I learned from others, many years ago, ‘Never teach what you don’t know’.
If there is something you would like to learn & don’t see it here, ask me & we will see what we can learn together.
Take a look around, have fun, question everything and just breathe.
Many blessings,