Deithean  Classes

The Reg Classes listed below may not be taught in order to help the students. I like to teach as needed and/or requested. 
The 1st Degree classes are taught in order. As you learn what path you are on, extra lessons will be given in order to help guide you down your path.
Remember the Deithean Trad is a foundation on which to build your spirituality.
Lessons will be added, and passwords given as needed. If you need one, please let me know.
Lesson 1                Rules and Regulations of Deithea
Lesson 2                Deithea basics
Lesson 3                Gateway Associations
Lesson 4                Emdhka
Lesson 5                Superstitions and old wives tales
Lesson 6                Circle raising
Lesson 7                Cultures
Lesson 8                Pagan Paths
Lesson 9                Ethics and Affirmations
Lesson 10              Divination
Lesson 11              History of Samhain
Lesson 12              Difference in rituals and circles
Lesson 13              Chakra Meanings
Lesson 14              How to see and Read the Aura
Lesson 15              Feng shui
Lesson 16              Popess Joan & Frederick Myers
Lesson 17              Edgar Cayce
Lesson 18              Ghosts
Lesson 19              Courage and Job Spells
Lesson 20              Imbolc and Brigid
Lesson 21              Karma
Lesson 22              Why not you
Lesson 23              Angel Hierarchy
Lesson 24              Moon Phases
Lesson 25              Reflexology
Lesson 26              Yoga Basics
Lesson 27              Beltain
Lesson 28              Celtic Astrology
Lesson 29              Energies and Knowledge
Lesson 30              Mercury in retrograde
Lesson 31              Blue moon history
Lesson 32              Sigil Magics
Lesson 33              Clutterbuck Lugh and Lughnasdh
Lesson 34              Astrology
Lesson 34              Pt. 2 Void of Course
Lesson 35              Lupercalia and Visualization
1st Degree Lessons
Lesson 1                 IDC Rules and Reg's
Lesson 2                 Some Witchcraft Traditions
Lesson 3a               A little History about the Craft History
Lesson 3b               Basic Deithean Circle Explained
Lesson 4a                Associations
Lesson 4b                Gateways
Lesson 5                  Esbats & Moon Magics
Lesson 6                 Some Witchcraft Traditions

Lesson 6                 Humanized Deities
Lesson 7                 Rights and Incantations
Lesson 8                 Duties and Responsibilities of Priest Priestess
Lesson 9                 Malleus Degrees Pentagrams
Lesson 10               Circle Etiquette and Procedures

Voodoo Queen

Reg classes are $10 each
Degree Classes are $15 each
Divination Classes are $10 each

*Please talk to Nightress if you have a hardship case

Deithean Copyright © 2006 Created by Lady Nightress.  All rights reserved.
Thank you for visiting my site. Most of the pics and the writings are all mine. If it is someone else's I will give credit.
Please remember that by Law I have to say 'all material on this site is for entertainment purposes only'.