Witches Herb List


Some herbs we can cook with and stir our magic into our food, others we cannot. They are there for us to work our magics in other ways. Please, do the research on each one. There are many varieties of each, and we want to make sure it is exactly what we want, and we don’t want to harm anyone with our food. It just depends on what we are doing.
Some herbs you will find in the Kitchen and/or the Witches cabinet, just keep the poisonous ones in the cabinet away from the cooking herbs!
Here is a list of thirteen herbs and such:
Herbs to cook with:
Bay leaves
Burdock root
Elder flowers

Do not eat!
Mandrake root
Rose thorns
Black salt

Now here are a few ways to use them:  
Bay leaves
Bay leaves are great for sauces, meat dishes, and stews, just make sure you don’t eat them.         
Magical Attributes
On a leaf, write down your wish, crush it, and throw it to the wind for your wish. It is also used to increase psychic abilities and induce visions.
Great for lime bars, key lime pie, and tortilla chips.
Magical Attributes
Put a lime in a small glass of water, use your finger, draw your favorite symbol of protection to drive away negativity.
Good on almost any food, sprinkle a little on your food.
Magical Attributes
Magically this is good for ambition, cleansing, courage, creativity, passion, power, and protection.
Garlic is not only used in Italian dishes, but I love it stuffed in olives!        
Magical Attributes
To guard against vampirism, evil spirits, cleansing, and as an aphrodisiac.
Burdock root
Steeped into tea or added to foods, it’s a source of inulin, a prebiotic fiber that aids digestion, improves gut health, and has antioxidants.
Magical Attributes
Protection, psychic and spiritual enhancement, money, and friendship.
Use in steeped teas, poultry, and pork.
Magical Attributes
The moon, women’s health, achy muscles, sores, scrapes, astral projection, to induce lucid dreaming, to cleanse spiritual and physical spaces, and to enhance psychic powers. Don’t drink steeped tea before driving or using heavy machinery and children.
Mixed with peppermint, and yarrow it is a replication of Gypsy Cold Care Tea by Traditional Medicinals. Also good for gargles, coughs, insulin, and more.
Magical Attributes
Protection, healing, prosperity, sleep, hex breaking, and purification.

Mandrake root
XXX        All parts of this plant are toxic!
Magical Attributes
It’s a hallucinogen used in ‘flying ointments’, a witch’s hexing root, for poppets and amulets. Display on mantle of fireplace to bring accomplishments, prosperity, and happiness to the entire home.
Magical Attributes
This blocks the body’s nervous system. Causes hallucinations, spasms, convulsions, coma, and death. It can be used for several things but only if you really know what you are doing!
XXX! Be careful when handling it, as it can irritate the skin in some people.
Magical Attributes
It’s exorcist and purification powers are strong. Use it in uncrossing work, protection magic, and to ward off evil spirits. Dissipates insects, scorpions, and serpents. Wards off plagues and diseases. Courtrooms in England were strewn with rue to protect the judges from “jail fever.”
Rose thorns
Magical Attributes
Dip them in ink while writing a ‘fix it’ spell. Use them in a protection or witch’s jar. Crush and add to the poppets.
Black salt
XXX Can be eaten but make sure of the quality first. Some black salt is made from poisonous charcoal!
Magical Attributes
Takes away negative energies, depression, spiritually poisonous energies, and unhealthy habits.
Powdered eggshells in food, 1 tsp a day gives you all the calcium you need.
Magical Attributes
Mixed with cayenne pepper and black pepper creates Hot Foot powder to keep away those you don’t want to cross your doorstep.


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