Stairs in the Woods
Vibe Tribe Chat Recording
There are staircases usually found deep in the woods, 30 to 40 mi. In the National Forests, there is no history or evidence that human life existed there. They are made of many different materials brick, stone, wood, and cast iron. They are always clear of vegetation or animal life, and one was found with white carpet. There is no structure behind the staircases to hold them stable. It's just the staircase, and it's like somebody has just dumped them in the middle of the forest.
And what they all have in common is, they reach up into the canopy, extending to nowhere at all, and there are no landings at the top. The talk started in America in nineteen ninety-six after it hit the and after it hit the internet, people started talking about the ones in the countries Germany, Portugal, Brazil, the Philippines, South America, and France. The person to talk about this on the internet was in American Reddit user going by the handle of Search and Rescue Woods. He claimed to be with a search and rescue unit. And he stated, ‘It is a regular thing’. We run into it about every case where we are very far into the wilderness, about 30 to 40 miles. He also talked about seeing a wendigo lurking around the staircases.
Now the wendigo that goes originate from the Quin. I think I'm pronouncing that right. Indigenous peoples. Therefore, lore is, it was a lost hunter whose hunger drove him to cannibalism, and it turns him into huge monster which they call the wendigo, and you can find this also in the plains and great 1st Nation He went on to say he was told to ignore it, and never to climb up the stairs.
It was normal to see these, according to his superiors. Most Euro counties also speak of the dread and fear association associated with the staircases. Almost like a look away spell. Do not come near the Philippines have documented three cases of people climbing the stairs. The 1st was a ranger looking for lost tourists. He claims he only climbed up five stairs to look around, and when he came back and reported back in at his base, was amazed to find out five days had passed since they had last seen him.
The 2nd case was a man who was found in a canoe out the shore, attempting to bail out the dry canoe. He had walked up the Sara Stairs several days prior, and no one could locate him. He appeared on the shore in the canoe, and it appeared as if he'd been bailing for days, as he had worn a groove into the bottom quite deep, where he had been trying to bail out this canoe.
The 3rd was of a child who was out with her family in the woods and disappeared. Again. Several days later she appeared at the shore in a boat, attempting to bail it out. A similar groove like the one in the canoe was apparent.
The mind will shut down during trauma. Attempt to make sense of the unknown. The last two knew they were in danger, and the brain, maybe went to something they knew was dangerous. Could it have been a suggestion placed in their brains? The actions were so similar.
There is a spiral staircase in France around a tree. Like the tree grew up through the top, and no evidence that there ever was one. There is a Norway is found in a national wooded area. It's made of concrete and very large pebbles and people state that it gives you the feeling that you shouldn't be there, you need to leave, don't come near it.
And that's a common theme with these staircases. Another Reddit user is Case Nine. He states that the stairs were made of loose cobble and moist earth, like they were a work of masonry. I climbed the stairs thoughtlessly, half expecting there to be a landing to greet me at the top. There wasn't, though something caught my eye. As I craned my head. I saw the area was packed with tight bushes, except where the stumps of dead trees form sunken Wells around them. One of these craters, something was looking at me. I remember clearly their dark, lean face around black eyes, and then it just disappeared.
I was reading a lot of cases. Most of them you can find them on Reddit, and anything you read on Reddit you have to take with a Grain of salt, you know.
Yeah, but there are a lot of those cases in other places.
While I was delving into them, I came across the very 1st reported case of a staircase, the very 1st reported case of a staircase appearing, a government Dr., working in Roswell New Mexico, reported a staircase appearing in the nineteen forties. There had been a group of teenagers camping. They went out, and they went into the desert to camp. They saw the staircase, and it was just sitting there. They went a little ways away, and they set up their camp, and the next morning the staircase had moved closer to them. So, they packed up and went into town. So this Dr. went out to see the staircase.
It would move often, so they would go out. They would see it. And then the next day it would have moved. And wherever it had moved from the ground was sc. It would disappear and reappear several feet away. They attempted to take samples as they thought it was made of a wood type material, but they could not. It was hard to steal. It was also either receiving or emitting a strange frequency, and the report does not say what type of frequency. I have a source who tried to obtain the written reports, but it's still classified.
Checked with the Roswell newspapers at the time. There was one story, and it just mentioned that a staircase sh. Dropped their staircase of inert. Most of the reports, I mean, we could sit here for hours and read statements, but I wanted to go into the explain the staircases.
The 1st one, the logical, these are the foundations of fleeting and lost, long lost settlements. While I agree with some of these, the stairs have nothing holding them up, and when you abandon a place, entropy. Starts as soon as you walk away, entropy would have started. And why a single staircase out of an entire settlement still be standing. It doesn't make any sense because they should have been ruins or something, you know, plants should have taken them over. You know, I mean, nature is not gonna stand still. So, if there had been a settlement, the staircase would have had plants around it or something. I really, I just don't buy that one.
Then there's another theory that these are pulpits. Built for preachers holding dark sighted clandestine gatherings, gateways to another dimension.
Okay, now, this theory is very thought provoking, but at the same time we live in a three-dimensional world. And if we were to pass into a two-dimensional or a four-dimensional world, our brains would freeze or completely shut down. We would not be able to function at all. I just don't buy that one either. Gateways to hell, personally, I doubt if Satan would need a staircase going up for people to go to hell, okay? I just, I don't buy that one.
Okay, Then they feel, some people feel that this is the gateway to another timeline. And I can't get behind this one either. And quantum physics tells us okay that the universal wave function holds alternate timelines for everything, people, things, et cetera. And they are branches and they do not interfere with each other but carry on to that one future. So, let's say in the morning you have to choose whether you're gonna wear your sandals or boots and you choose the sandals, well, then you're on the sandal’s timeline. The boots were a choice on an alternate timeline. You then choose the boots, and it becomes that timeline. Their crossing or interfering with each other would cause a paradox. It's a parallel universe. A gateway to a parallel universe which is totally different from the alternate timelines.
Theory is good, as is a good one, and the symbolism of the staircase is very blame Um, but I think the other universe would eventually bleed into ours. And but it could also explain things such as Big Foot, the Moth Man, and other crypts coming into our universe. But at the same time Your two universes interfere with each other. You're gonna go boom eventually, you know.
That's another one. This one is funny. These are aliens moving humans to other levels of Earth to abduct them. Why would aliens have to move us to a different level to abduct us? They do it very well from the ground, do they not?
Okay, it's sympathetic magic. Manifesting them while they're dreaming, and they're left behind. If I was gonna dream a staircase, I think I would dream of the whole house. I don't know, that was okay.
Then there's perceptual fishing, lore says only a certain percentage of people can see them and these are the people, whoever it is, is look they are looking for. Thats an alien theory that is like fishing lore.
Now Druidic magic feels that it's Druids manifesting, so I got in touch with the Druid who states, nope, not them. They never knew anyone who could manifest the staircase. And I feel I don't know anyone who would expend that much energy to do it and then walk away.
Then there's the theory of the missing 411. This is a large group of events of people disappearing from our national forest, they are seen one moment or with a group and then they are gone, no evidence left. They're passing through the woods. They just, and they think some people think that staircases are involved with the missing 411.
My favorite and the one that makes the most sense to me, are crypts. And then return them out of another portal, huh? Which is hundreds of miles away. Okay, these people lose time, they lose memories, and it would also explain the children going missing and then being found hundreds of miles. Or sometimes in a town, just wandering around not knowing how they got there.
It's an easy way to entice humans to look and see. And how many children do, you know, playing in the woods and seeing a staircase, are not gonna go up that staircase? I really think it could be Fae playing with the humans.
There's also been hidden reports of UFO’s encrypted around these staircases. There's a question if it is a portal for aliens and they disguise them as staircases. Stupid humans would not notice them. Gives me the thought that some cryptids could be exotic pets that the aliens have gotten from other planets and then they got too big or too bothersome. Pet owners just dump them. It's the easy way to offload an unwanted pet. Oh, we're gonna zip by that planet, You know? Planet Earth just rover off while we're there. That could be where a lot of the C.
Then the last thing is, theory is the National Parks in the USA, built to keep the wildlife and nature safe. But some keep something within its boundaries. If you look at where the parks are, and then the reported phenomenon of UFO’s. Encrypted That Goes On. National Park. Hot Springs in eighteen thirty-two in Arkansas, it was redesignated as Hot Springs Reservation in nineteen twenty-four. It is no longer a national park. The first that is still a national park is Yellowstone. That was done in eighteen seventy-two so those are the theories. Do you have a favorite?
Well, I do believe in the Fae, I do believe that people get lost sometimes, and there's all kinds of portals. It's widely known, especially like in places like Ireland and stuff, they find little fairy villages out in the middle of the woods which nobody has built like little homes and stuff, all built like a little city. You can see them if they want you to, or if you catch them off guard, you can see them. Usually, they have to let you see.
There is a museum in Chicago, I forgot what it was called, they got a house donated that is just specifically for the fairies. And somewhere around my house I have a picture of this. I took the pictures, and you could see little reflections of them and a tiny planetarium. It's downtown Chicago. And they said that, you know, had been written. Someone made this for them, and you could still see them.
Cat, do you have any thoughts?
Well, I agree with the Fae one. But um, the cryptids. Sounds believable.
Well, we have crypted an Oak Ridge. We see them all the time. They are the ones that have escaped from the lab. I don't know if they were experiments who have run amuck? You know, or got loose, or if they are actually something they caught somewhere, you know, and then got loose again.
Yeah, I think they found them, and they got them, experimented on them and somehow, they escaped. You know, I don't buy all the, ‘they're just working on energy products in Oakridge’. I think it’s a lot more than that.
Oh, please. Oh yeah, absolutely. They're doing all sorts of weird shit out there.
I know when I was a kid, we used to go on the school trips out there at Oakridge. I got the weirdest feeling in some of those buildings, you know, when I was a kid, I didn't know what I was feeling. But yeah, they're weird.
Well, what do you think of the staircases?
I've seen staircases that like go nowhere and I started to run halfway up one and then I got a weird feeling, and I ran back down. I was a kid. You know, there was nothing holding it up. It was just like, four or five steps out in the middle of nowhere. And it was concrete. So, it was man made. Something else, somebody else made it. You know, and I think some of its kind of like, well, bear with me on this one, I think it's kind of like Star Trek, you know, when they portal over to somewhere else. I don't think it's the whole machine that Star Trek's got, but there's too many things unseen in this world that we have not seen. Does that make sense?
Yes, to me it does.
Yeah, it makes sense.
I don't know if you all have seen portals before, but I've seen portals.
Okay. I have a theory I didn't get into. Do you know about the black-eyed children?
Okay, some people think that this is where the black-eyed children are coming from. Black-eyed children show up and they are between the ages of six and 18. They want to come home with you. They want to do things for you. What else, Donna? To realize that their eyes are completely black.
They remind me of doppelgangers.
Doppelgangers. Okay, Cat? Do you know anything more?
My eyes brown when I was a kid, and some say they looked black.
My eyes take color, but if I get really mad, my eyes will turn black.
That is everything. Well, most of everything I found about the staircases. I started reading about the missing 411. I think the guy's name is David Hill, who has documented them all, but then I got to reading and he has a criteria. If you are an indigenous person, you do not meet his criteria, so he is not including the 1st nation's people missing in his reports. Don't understand it. He says they don't meet the criteria.
Just according to him.
According to him, and I say bullshit if they were in the same area and they disappeared.
they should
meet the criteria.
They should be included.
Well, he won't include them, so I think his whole report on it is skewed. He is supposed to be the expert on the missing 411.
Why they call it 411?
Information. Call them The Missing 411, and then they're gone. There's no information to help them find them.
They were probably walking into the ferry portals. Or some kind of portal? Because if the fairies can do it, then most likely others can.
Exactly. Do you really think the fae are that tiny?
No, I think they come in all different sizes.
They can make them well, some of them can make themselves small.
I don't think that they’re tiny. They are not nice.
Most of them aren't.
There are some, like Mike, we met this girl. She was waiting at a restaurant, and she was really nice, but as soon as me and Mike both looked at her, we asked each other if she was fae. Yep, I mean you could just feel it oozing off of her. Why, she was waiting tables. Unless you just like helping people, I don't know, but…
Probably for the experience.
Could be.
She could have been half.
Probably or could have been one of the kids who got exchanged as a baby.
Changelings. Me and my youngest daughter wrote a story about changelings one time. A lot of people were like, oh, that's not real. I'm like, you know what, you don't know what's real and what's not real till you run into it.
Well, my 1st thing about these staircases is ‘what the fuck are you doing 30 to 40 mi into the wilderness to find one?’
We probably hiking. There's hunting.
30 40 miles? Are you gonna hike 30 40 miles?
We have a camp and stuff.
That is just.
Could be people running away from the cops or the Mafia. Wanting to get off the grid and building a house or something.
Most of the staircases just go up into the canopy.
Well, I guess they figure if you go that get that high, you deserve what you come for.
I thought it was an interesting topic.
Ohh, yeah.
To go out in the forest and look for one.
No, but serious question If you came across one, would you climb it?
Knowing what I know now. I would probably go the other way.
Yeah, I wouldn't be able to climb it, my knee would go out on me.
Oh, the moon is so pretty. I cut that down from 50 pages of notes.
That's why when you said it was gonna be fifty pages in forty-five minutes, I'm like, what?
I cut it down. How long was it? I tried to keep it under 30.
It's about forty-five minutes or so.
I'm sorry.
You're fine, I didn’t have anything else planned, because I didn't know how long it was gonna be. I figured there was going to be a rabbit hole.
I don't know, but I had to dive into quantum physics. That was an afternoon of headaches.
That's an interesting topic.
Quantum physics is very interesting. The quantum atom is in constant motion until you look at it, and then it has to choose where it stops, and that becomes the reality. That’s the way it was explained when I watched the video. And I was like, What?
Yeah, last time I got into it we were talking about timelines, parallel dimensions and all that other stuff. I was like, wait a minute, I need my brain for this one.
Well, parallel lines and dimensions are two different things.
Right and it started off with the, the timelines.
It was in a group chat my sister brought me into. Because she goes down these rabbit holes all the time with them and they were talking about, well, if you didn't like what happened in the timeline, you can always go back up to where you started from them. No, you can't, you cannot go exactly back to where you started from because you already have information, you already changed it, you can't fix it the way you like. Then it was like… oh no, yes, no you can't. No you can't, it's not like a zipper, you just don’t do it. An idiot.
You know, Oak Ridge opened a hole to the next dimension. That's how.
Is that what they were doing?
They did it.
Is that what they were trying to do? Just to be doing it, or…
To see if they could.
And they did it. And that's when the weather was all crazy. You know, they were saying, ‘Oh, nothing's gonna happen’, stupid.
They may be book smart, but they have no common sense whatsoever.
None, none. They did that.
Cat, what do you know about quantum physics?
I don't know anything about quantum physics.
Have you watched ‘What the bleep?’ or ‘The Secret’?
Oh yeah, that's a good one. I've seen ‘What the bleep’.
‘The Secret’ was good but ‘What the bleep’ was a little more detailed.
I haven't seen ‘The Secret’, but I've seen ‘What the bleep’.
I don't know. I took a quantum physics class on YouTube and I was like, Okay, send it a little bit at a time, but then I just, called my oldest and asked him if I had it right and he said yes and so I was okay. And I asked him about what is this thing about the quantum atom that moves around until you look at it? He goes, Well, that's how they explain it. And I was like, oh, I hear dissension in the ranks here.
Usually, I chalk that up to the spirits or something. I see something moving out of the corner of my eye, I talk to the ghosts. I don't talk to the splitting atom.
I don't know.
Energy is always, so…
And it never dies, it just changes form.
Well, that's another reason that the alternate timelines will never cross. You cannot have the same matter. How is it matter from an alternate timeline came here? Something from this timeline would have to go there because matter cannot occupy the same space.
Kind of like what’s that movie? Oh, ‘Time Cop’ same matter cannot touch, they wound up in this weird blob thing. And in the other time we would be missing them.
And that's like the, the uh, alternate universe. Something comes here from an alternate universe; something has to go there.
You ever watched Sliders; it was around in the nineties.
Yeah, I used to watch that all the time.
I mean, that would explain disappearances and stuff if, say if somebody was coming here from an alternate dimension or whatever and something would have to switch or it just randomly picks whoever's closest or whatever, and then someone just randomly disappears.
Yes, it would.
Thank you very much Barbara. You did a very good job. Very interesting.
Per Barbara
Thank you very much