2023 Mercury in Retrograde

Apr. 21st – May 14th
Aug. 23rd – Sep. 15th
Dec. 13th, '23 – Jan. 1st, '24

dAFi s
is a wonderful place to help others who craft through the pain.

Please help here:

 My blog

Vibe with Donna

Growing and learning everyday


Blogging is new to me but I will give it a go. I was looking for a place to put my articles but most will be to long on here from what I am seeing. Blessings

Posted 72 weeks ago


Deithean Copyright © 2006 Created by Lady Nightress.  All rights reserved.
Thank you for visiting my site. Most of the pics and the writings are all mine. If it is someone else's I will give credit.
Please remember that by Law I have to say 'all material on this site is for entertainment purposes only'.