Many people believe that dandelions and other plants of this nature in our yards are just weeds. They need to be gotten rid of. This is not true. These plants have a variety of jobs to do and are there for a reason. These ‘weeds’ help to hold the soil together and feed the soil the vitamins and nutrients it needs. One of these ‘weeds’ I am talking about today is the Dandelion.
Stefan Sobkowiak
He calls Dandelions the Indicator Plant.
If you have compacted soil and/or the soil lacks calcium, the roots will drill down deep below to pump calcium up to the leaves and flowers. When the grass is mowed it delivers calcium onto the ground making the soil rich in calcium because the leaves and flowers are rich in calcium which is great for the soil. If you pull them out of the ground more will come because their job isn’t done.
Too much acid can be caused from a tree shedding its needles so this is an indication when the dandelions become present, and they will neutralize this.
Dandelions grow where grass can’t. When the leaves angle up this is an indication that it has pretty much finished its job. When the leaves are open and flat it is still working, especially in the shady parts, because it fills in for the grass, because grass needs at least 8 hours of sun. As the grass gets the nutrients it needs then it will crowd out the dandelions. This sometimes takes a couple of years.
Danu’s Irish Herb Garden
When harvesting only take about 5 – 10% and leave the rest in that area, because the flowers are food for many insects including bees which are very important for life. It also has a job to do.
Many plants look like dandelions, but the stem is a hollow shoot with a white milky substance and the root inside is white unlike coltsfoot which the flower looks very similar but is smaller and has leaves staggered tightly up the stem.
All parts of the Dandelion are healthy to consume as long as you don’t overdo it. We are not all made equal. Dandelions can help with inflammation, blood sugar, reduce cholesterol levels, boost immune health, serve as a laxative and much more.
The leaves, added to salads, will add a slightly bitter taste but this stimulates the digestive system so you can absorb nutrients from your food. If you chew them up it can help restore your teeth’s enamel. The leaves are full of Vitamin A, B, C, E, K, and folate.
You can also eat its flowers. They are packed with vitamin C and aid in digestion. Dandelion Flowers can be a powerful antioxidant since they contain high levels of beta-carotene.
The leaves can be made into tea which is good for the kidneys. They help with your heart, blood pressure, it has lots of calcium and potassium, and can be used as a diuretic. When the doctor prescribes meds such as for a diuretic, the meds flush out potassium, magnesium, and all of your B vitamins through our urine, but the leaves are full of these nutrients, so they are not flushed out.
The roots are good for the liver. The liver cleans the toxins out of our body and if the liver is sufficient then everything else will work. It also helps our skin and blood pressure. Dandelion Roots contain carbohydrate inulin. A healthy prebiotic which can help with gastric issues.
So, the next time you think about this ‘weed’ remember it is actually helping you and your soil. And you can eat and drink it for free.
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