April 30, 2024
Daily Magics
Rise – journal dreams, shower, dress, drink, meds/vitamins/chromotherapy
Breakfast – Prep food, eat, go over activities for the day, work.
Lunch – Prep food, eat, go over rest of the workday, short breathing meditation, continue work.
Dinner – Prep food, eat, kitchen clean up, sweep, mop, laundry, check and prep for the next day, journaling, bath, meditation.
Activities – reading, tv, net, yoga, spells, rituals, hobbies
Family and Friends
Time for yourself!
This is a basic timeline. It does not apply to everyone, but it is to be adjusted for your lifestyle. I used to live this way but don’t anymore. Some days I am not sure what day it is or even what time it is…lol.
As soon as we wake up it is time to journal our first thoughts, dreams, smells, colors, or whatever may be on our minds. The more it is practiced, the more it will become clear.
While getting ready for the day is time to say affirmations for the day, positive thoughts, and you may even want to pull a card for the day. Whether it is tarot, oracle, or affirmation cards, it should be our focus and things to look out for.
Chromotherapy is working with the colors in solar energies. There are many ways of doing this but the simplest ways are to have water in colored bottles sit in a window to collect the suns rays. If you want to attract something, then an orange bottle would work. Let it sit in the window for a day, take a drink each morning, and then replace the water about once a week.
The same thing can be done with surrounding ourselves with colors which are appropriate for what magics we are doing. Food is another source of this. If you want better communication or studying for a test, then eat yellow foods. Yellow is the element of air, and this helps things flow better.
Whether it is going to work, dropping off the kids, or whatever entails driving out in public, we can get very agitated. Try to keep positive energies with you. Your car also picks up your energies and you want a smooth ride.
When dealing with the public, affirmations can come in very handy. It can be an emotional rollercoaster when dealing with the energies of many people. This is the time to use your shields and pull in your chakras.
I remember an old joke I heard many times while living in Louisiana. Four women were having iced tea together and three of them kept going on about all the big, bright, and shinnies their husbands had gotten for them. The fourth lady just kept saying ‘That’s nice’. Finally, one of them asked what her husband had gotten for her, and she said he bought an etiquette class for her. When they asked why she said so she could say ‘That’s nice’ instead of ‘F you!’…lol. I try to remember this, and it usually makes me smile a little bit.
No matter what time of day it is, it is time to breathe. Just take a minute to inhale through the nose and out through the mouth. Do this at least three times, because sometimes we just need to take a breath. This is also a great stress reliever.